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Marshennikov artist


Serge Marshennikov


Born in 1971

Joined Artisor: September 2022

Artist Stats

Total pieces for sale: 6

Total pieces sold: 20

Highest price piece sold: $43,000 (Days of Serenity)

Average price per square inch: $36


Serge Marshennikov was born in 1971 in Ufa (Bashkiria, USSR). His grandfather was general manager of a horse breeding company, his father an electric engineer, and his mother was in pre-school education. As long as he can remember, Serge was drawing, painting and sculpting from any material he could lay his hands on. His mother encouraged Serge to study and from early childhood he studied with private teachers and attended art studios. After receiving several awards for his children’s watercolor and pastel paintings, Serge decided to become a professional painter.

In 1995 he finished the Ufa Art College and then continued education at one of the most prestigious art academies in the world, The Repin Academy of Fine Art in St. Petersburg, Russia. As one of the most talented graduates of the academy, Serge was made the offer to stay for the post-graduate studies at the studio of an Academician, Rector of the Academy, Professor Milnikov.

Serge’s first solo exhibition was in the gallery “Sangat” of his native UFA in 1995, the year of his graduation from the college. The show was a success and Serge was invited to exhibit at the Artists’ Union gallery. Since that time Serge exhibits on a semi-annual basis, showing his works to his collectors and peers in both St Petersburg and Ufa. Serge’s graduation work caught the eye of faculty members at a University in Brownwood, Texas and Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene. During his post-graduate years Serge exhibited during summers in the art departments of both Universities.

He was awarded “Chairman’s Choice Award” at the 2008/2009 International Art Renewal Center’s salon, and received Certificate of Excellence for his outstanding achievement in art. He was chosen as “Top 30” in 2008 by the Portrait Society of America. Serge’s paintings are successfully sold through important art auctions, including Christie’s of London and Bonham’s in Knightsbridge. His work is in much demand and his prices are constantly rising. Serge’s paintings are held in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art (El Paso), in The Grace Museum (Abilene), and in many important private collections in Russia, England, Denmark, France and Japan. Serge’s biggest influences are Andrew Wyeth & Lucian Freud. Serge is married, and has a 7-year-old daughter.

Bio Author: T.H. Brennen Fine Art

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