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Eric J Chapman   Image of Artist


Eric J. Chapman

United States

Born in 1979

Joined Artisor: February 2024

Artist Stats

Total pieces for sale: 1


Eric J Chapman is an award-winning American artist who specializes in pencil, oil paint and pastel. Captivated by the beauty of the world around him, he uses realism as a vehicle to express what he sees and experiences. He teeters between a rigid fidelity to the model and an infusion of personal flair and creatively in what he paints. His colors are bold without losing a natural quality. His execution is detailed and meticulous, but expressive and fluid when warranted. He often utilizes allegory and symbolism to provide a narrative to his subjects but seeks to do so in ways that are subtle enough to allow the viewer their own interpretations.

Bio Author: I.G.O.R. Show in Scottsdale

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