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alvar at studio




Born in 1935

Joined Artisor: March 2023

Artist Stats

Total pieces for sale: 5

Total pieces sold: 7

Highest price piece sold: $49,500 ((c.1963))

Average price per square inch: $44


Àlvar Suñol Munoz-Ramos, commonly known as Àlvar, was born on January 29, 1935 in Montgat, Spain.

Àlvar’s career has spanned over six-decades, beginning at the age of 18 when he was awarded the Young Painter’s Prize from the city of Barcelona, whereby the Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona acquired his painting for their permanent collection. In 1960, Àlvar became part of the artist stable at the influential Galerie Drouant in Paris.

He was acclaimed by the eminent critic, Jacques Lassaigne, who invited him to take part in the Salon School of Paris in 1960, a group of the top young artists in Spain, organized by the Charpentier Gallery.

In Paris in the 1960s, he exhibited with other prestigious Spanish artists, including Joan Miró, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

In 1962, his work was introduced to American collectors and art aficionados with his first United States exhibition at the Monede Gallery in New York.

Major retrospectives of Àlvar’s work have been mounted in recent years: In 2014, Àlvar Suñol: Una antològica des del 1954-2014 at the Casa de Cultura de la Diputació de Girona in Girona, Spain; in 2015, Passat i Present 1954-2015, at the Castell de Benedormiens, Castell d’Aro, Spain; in 2015, Interiors at the Museu de la Mediterrània, Girona, Spain; and in 2016, Una Vida Pintant 1954-2016 at the Castell de Calonge in Girona, Spain.

His works have been presented by over 40 museums (exhibitions and permanent collections) and over 95 galleries throughout the United States, Europe and Asia.

He continues to reside in and create from his studio north of Barcelona.

Bio Author: T.H. Brennen Fine Art