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Clodoaldo Martins


Born in 1985

Joined Artisor: September 2024

Artist Stats

Total pieces sold: 1

Highest price piece sold: $10,500 (Time for Bath)

Average price per square inch: $7


Clodoaldo Martins was born in Agulha, a small town in the Fernando Prestes district, in the state of São Paulo – Brazil. While still young, at the age of nine, Clodoaldo was already very aware of his vocation: painting. He started drawing and, at the age of 13, encouraged by his parents, Clodoaldo took up a course with drawing teacher Luis Dotto in the neighboring town of Catanduva. It was there that the young local talents concentrated. Still in his teens, Clodoaldo also took up painting lessons, first with artist Sérgio Amorim and, later, with Celso Bayo.

In 2003, Clodoaldo met Washington Magueta, who helped him improve his technique. Soon afterwards he received invaluable guidance from Alexandre Fausto, a disciple of Arlindo Casttelani de Carli. As of 2005, this guidance started coming from Luís Cláudio Morgilli, who introduced him to Gilberto Geraldo and Ronaldo Boner. And it was through the study groups conducted by Boner and the workshops delivered by Gilberto Geraldo that Clodoaldo Martins introduced new esthetics to his work. Currently, Clodoaldo’s inspirations come from the classic and contemporary artists of the Alla Prima school who influence him in the ever-growing refinement of his artistic production. Clodoaldo Martins holds a degree in Arts from the Faculdade São Luís, in Jaboticabal (São Paulo – Brazil).

Gallery’s thoughts:  Every now and then, if a gallery is in a location long enough, you will find extremely gifted and talented artists coming through the gallery doors. Although it is against gallery policy to simply bring art work to search for representation…….the day Clodoaldo came through the doors, we knew it was a different exercise…..completely. Note: to prevent artists from taking this exercise to heart, Clodoaldo was referred by another Brazilian painter who the owner has collected, so not completely blind.  The work speaks for itself.  One of the interesting things about the paintings created by Clodoaldo is the complexity in which the painter creates thoughtful narratives with a masterful brush.  In the words of the Gallery owner, “these paintings are undervalued for what he is creating.  If one does their own due dilligence and searches the market for something comparable, one will find the work is compelling and very reasonable.  Demand is shifting on Clodoaldo’s work, therefore I see much more energy and higher prices in the coming years.”

Bio Author: T.H. Brennen Fine Art

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