About the artwork
Medium Details
oil on canvas
Seems to be a nice frame
Lower Right
This painting was given to an auction which is Where T.H. Brennen Fine Art acquired the painting. The painter of the piece was irrelevant, for the value of the 100 year old painting was based on how it was presented. The painting shows its age, but appears to be very stable.
Winter Snowfall
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Final Bid
Started On
Monday, December 18 at 4:00 pm (MST)
Ended On
Monday, December 25 at 4:00 pm (MST)
You are currently the highest bidder for this auction.
Your maximum bid: $400
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About the artwork
Medium Details
oil on canvas
Seems to be a nice frame
Lower Right
This painting was given to an auction which is Where T.H. Brennen Fine Art acquired the painting. The painter of the piece was irrelevant, for the value of the 100 year old painting was based on how it was presented. The painting shows its age, but appears to be very stable.
About the artist
R. Haskell - United States
There is little known about the artist. We do know she was prolific in her artwork in 1930’s in the Midwest. We do not know...
See Artist's Page